Sabato 21 novembre
Apertura locale ore 22.30
Orario Lista :
-dalle 22.30 alle 1.00 donna-uomo 20 euro con drink
-Intero dopo le ore 1.00 donna/uomo 25 euro con drink
-Tavoli palco 35 euro di cui spendibili 25 euro nelle consumazioni, nelle altre zone del locale tavoli a 30 euro a persona, di cui spendibili nelle consumazioni 20 euro
Alex Neri
Alex Neri, resident del celebre 'Sabato del Tenax', un maestro della consolle che ha reso la serata del Nobody's Perfect un evento di eccezionale attrazione nel panorama internazionale dei Club. In poco più di due anni, grazie alla sua personale versione dell'House, Firenze è diventata un centro di irraggiamento della cultura dance. Alex Neri è attivo anche come musicista: è una delle menti dell'ambizioso progetto Planet Funk, una proposta che ha superato di slancio tutta quella diffidenza che accompagnava le produzioni house italiane, ottenendo sin dall'esordio un grande successo internazionale. Alex Neri ha fatto il DJ per più di metà della sua vita, iniziando a far girare i piatti alla tenera età di tredici anni. Nato a La Spezia, ma residente a Firenze, ha iniziato a suonare insieme a Marco Baroni, un genio delle tastiere. Alex e Marco hanno perfezionato il loro stile funky house durante gli anni Novanta con molti dischi firmati Kamasutra, tra i quali 'Where Is The Love' e il loro hit del 1997 intitolato 'Happiness', con la vocalist Jocelyn Brow.
Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts
Il canadese Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts è uno dei protagonisti più energici della scena elettronica, suona e collabora a molti progetti nella sua città, Montreal, e in giro per il mondo. Sempre interessato a forme ibride di espressione musicale, con il suo progetto solista Guillaume cerca la miglior ricetta per un funk quanto mai pepato: Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts è una miscela speciale di funk, techno, gospel, swing e afro beat. Il suo primo album FACE À L EST esce a novembre su Musique risqué. Fino ad oggi le sue produzioni appaiono su MUTEK_rec, Musique Risquée, Hartchef Discos, Floppy Funk, OSLO, Raum Musik e sulle etichette francesi Circus company and Karat. Precedenti musicali di Guillaume sono stati come percussionista: ha studiato percussioni latino e classiche, poi si è imbattuto nella musica elettroacustica e ha fondato una jazz band con la quale ha pubblicato due album. Al suo ritorno a Montreal ha deciso di concentrare i suoi sforzi sulle sue composizioni. Influenzato dalla musica concreta e dalla techno che ha scoperto un giorno durante un temporale, Guillaume ha fondato Egg (MUTEK_rec, Karat, Floppy Funk), Luci (MUTEK_rec, Morris Audio), Chic Miniatur e (Raummusik, Musique Risquée), Flabbergast (MUTEK_rec), e il collettivo artistico Racam facendo date per tutto il mondo. Dal 2007 si è trasferito in Europa facendo base a Berlino,e inizia a essere ospite fisso di locali come il Fabric, Harry Klein, Fuse, Watergate e Tenax.
Actively plays wherever clubs reside. Through his house based sound, he expresses electric, emotional, and high sense noise which exceeds the limit of the genre but still remains its global standards. In 2001, he won the first prize in WOMB's 'DJ and VJ recreations' and his performance was raved highly by all over the world. In 2003, he was invited by CLUB THERAPY hosted by DAVE SEAMAN, and gave us an amazing show. Same year, he started EPSILON as a resident DJ at WOMB. Since then, he played with so many artists such as JIMMY VAN M (the must person in US PROGRESSIVE SCENE), INFUSION, CHRIS FORTIER, SLAM, POLE FOLDER, STEVE PORTER, BEHROUZ, HERNAN CATTANEO, DEMI, JAMES TALK, SHLOMI ABER, LUTZENKIRCHEN, CHRIS LAKE, RALPH LAWSON, PAOLO MOJO, LUKE FAIR, SANDER KLEINENBERG, DAVIDE SQUILLACE and CHEMICAL BROTHERS. In 2005, chosen for another resident DJ at STUDIO COAST at age Ha, he did a Japan tour while making ageHa Official Mix CD (5 released so far). At Fundacion at WOMB, he opened up for SASHA and JAMES ZABIELA, and satisfied the crowd by his original performance. In 2006, he appeared at GLOBAL UNDERGROUND 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, also Argentine radio show, METRO 95.1 METRODANCE CLUB (HERNAN CATTANEO is one of the resident DJ) and his high level DJ act mesmorized his crowd and gained recognition. In 2007, he is powefully expanding his area of work by playing with THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS here in Japan, and toured Shanghai, Taipei and gigs in other Asian cities, also released a MIX CD. We can't keep eyes off of his stoic and fresh style that always sets a trend. He is definately a DJ who will be over our expectation.
While studying at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Shingo was quite influenced by the world of German electronic music such as Kraftwerk etc. Upon this influence, he found the possibility of expressing his creativity in the field of electronic music and started his production. In year, He made a debut by his single 'Have you ever seen the blue comet'. It was released by Forte Records in Geremany, which was founded by Christian Morgenstern. The single was followed by his 1st original album 'Dr.Shingo's Space Odd-yssey', which was released worldwide. Both his single and album includes a remix by Takkyu Ishino, received great acclaim from DJs, Producers all around the world. In 2004, Shingo released his 2nd album 'Eclipse' focusing on Electro sound. He also put out single 'Taxi Alien EP' as SUNRISE (the production team with Torsten Feld,who performs in Frankfurt and Japan) from the label Electric Avenue by Monika Kruse. In the same year, DVDandCD album '7 colors' was released as Dr.Shingo and E.Sawado. Shingo has been very active in DJing and PA as well. In 2004 and 2005, He performed a brilliant live-set at legendary club, Tresor in Berlin. In Germany, he also PA in 'Wipe Out Pure Music Festival'. Beside Germany, he has toured Spain, France, China, Korea, and Singapore as well. As he sets his homeground in Japan, Shingo has played in Big Festivals such as FUJI ROCK,WIRE pre-night and Connect. He performs in big clubs and parties like AGEHA and CrossMountianNights, Womb which he appears as resident artist. He has gained high appraisal through his PA-DJ works. In 2006, Shingo released his 3rd album 'Initiation', expanding his vocabulary in electronic music, receiving global acclaim. Recently, he started producing a WEB Label called 'HIGHLAND' on the website 'HRFQ' which leads the MP3 downloding store.
Via Pratese, 46
50145 Peretola, Firenze , Italy
+39 055 308160